Pictures of Mesopotamian gods in Serpent form as found on Cylinder Seals 

Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld y de la Torre, M.A. Ed.

02 April 2010

(William Hayes Ward. The Seal Cylinders of Western Asia. Washington D.C. Carnegie Institute of Washington. 1910).

Below three seals showing a god with head and hands with a serpent's body. A crescent moon accompanies three of the seals, a star with crescent moon is on last seal (Ward figures 362, 363, 364).
Pictures of serpent deities, first three seals show a serpent body with human head and hands, a crescent moon accompanies all three seals. A 6-pointed star accompanies the cresecent moons on the third seal. The fourth seal shows king Gudea of Lagash being presented to a seated god (Enki/Ea or Ningirsu?) by his patron god Ningishzida who has serpent-dragon heads erupting from his shoulders. Behind a goddess is this dragon in full form, with four legs, two horns, two wings (Ward figures 366, 367, 368, 368a).
Below, first seal: a god has two serpents wrapped around his body, a fish is to this god's left side (Ward 368b). The second seal shows a deity holding two serpents against his chest, a crescent moon is to the left of this god (Ward 368 f). The Egyptian ankh may suggest this is a Syrian seal. The seven circles may represent the seven Sebutti star-gods, above the ankh?