Pharaoh in a portable throne with a box-like design. Note the Winged Sphinx striding above the Lion's back. (p.179. Edda Bresciani et al. Bilderwelten und Weltbilder der Pharaonen, Das alte Agypten in den Tafeln der Monumenti dell'Egitto e della Nubia von Ippolito Rosellini. Mainz. Verlag Phillip von Zabern. 1993, 1995. ISBN  3-8053-1755-7)
Close-up of the above Throne, note the wings of the striding Sphinx. Phoenician thrones had the wings of the Sphinxes/Cherubim extended, like the Mercy Seat description of the Ark of the Covenant. Cf. also this same kind of throne for the Egyptian god, Amon-Re.
Pharaoh Akhenaten, ca. 1350-1334 BCE, 18th Dynasty, on a portable throne. Note Striding Sphinx above the lion's back. (p.97, Wallis Budge. Tutankhamen, Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism. New York. Bell Publishing Company. 1923 reprint 1979)
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Below, Pharaoh Horemheb, ca. 1321-1293 BCE, 18th Dynasty, on a portable throne, with a maned male lion sculpture as the throne's side arm. (p. 389. Heinrich Schafer & Walter Andrae. Die Kunst Des Alten Orients. [Dritte, Neubearbeitete Auflage. 11 und 12 Tausend. Im Propylaen. Verlag zu Berlin. 1925)